About the role


To successfully become an AFP officer, you must be trustworthy, respectful, accountable, fair and committed to using intelligent action to outsmart serious crime.

To ensure we are able to stay a step ahead, we’re looking for people who are committed to our principles of prevention, deterrence, collaboration and innovation.


Employee Suitability Questionnaire

Employee Suitability Questionnaire

The Employee Suitability character questionnaire has been implemented in accordance with Section 24 of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (Cth) (AFP Act) and forms part of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) mandatory recruitment gateways. The questionnaire must be completed to assist the delegate with determining your suitability for employment in the AFP.

This questionnaire is designed to provide you, the applicant, with a range of pre-employment information in relation to:

As a law enforcement agency, the AFP must retain the confidence of governments, other policing jurisdictions, stakeholders and the Australian community through both a robust integrity framework and governance framework. All AFP appointees must demonstrate the highest level of professional standards both in their official and private capacities, to safeguard both organisational and personal integrity. All questions must be answered in full. Giving false or misleading information is an offence under section 137.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). Failure to declare your history or providing false or misleading information will render you liable to disqualification from the application process and / or prosecution.

If your personal circumstances change after you have lodged your application, you must advise the AFP immediately via afprecruitment@afp.gov.au. Failure to do so may result in your application being rejected.

The questionnaire extends to all occurrences, in ALL COUNTRIES.

The Questions

You will be required to answer the following questions.  For any questions that you answer "Yes' to, you will be required to enter further information and/or explanation (including, where, when, how often).

1. Have you ever changed your name?

2. Have you ever been employed by the Australian Federal Police? This includes Contracting, Special Member, Secondments

3. Have you ever been questioned for any offence or had any adverse interaction with police for any offence? 

This includes being arrested, charged, summonsed, convicted, cautioned, participated in restorative justice, a drug diversion, or a diversionary conference, been issued with any infringement notice by a court or a policing agency, or had any findings of guilt, for any offence, being lodged for intoxicating behaviour, received a warning for intoxicated behaviour, being spoken to by police other than as a victim or witness, including as a juvenile.

4. Have you on any occasion, in any country, been the respondent (subject) of a court appointed order?

5. Have you ever been subject to an internal investigation relating to your conduct or workplace performance, or been dismissed and / or asked to resign from any employment?

6. Do you have any declarable associations?

Declarable associations include:      

  • Previous or ongoing contact with anyone who is or has been imprisoned?      
  • Performing or been directed to perform Community Service by a court of law?      
  • Had any contact with anyone who is or has been involved in criminal or unlawful activity including illicit drugs?      
  • Had association with anyone who is or has been a member of any type of gang?      
  • Previous or on going contact with anyone, including organisations that the AFP would consider being of poor character and reputation?

7. Have you on any occasion, in any country, been refused a firearm’s licence, or had any adverse history in relation to the possession or use of

8. Have you on any occasion, in any country, used illegal, illicit or prohibited drugs or substances? 

This includes both drugs and substances that are illegal in Australia as defined in the Commonwealth Customs Act 1901 (regardless of their standing overseas or in state or territory jurisdictions).

8a. I have used cannabis

8b.I have used cocaine

8c.I have used heroin

8d.I have used methamphetamines (including speed)

8e.I have used synthetic drugs (including K2, Spice, 'Bath Salts')

8f.I have used steroids

8g.I have used ecstasy

8h.I have misused or abused pharmaceutical medications (e.g. Valium, prescription medications)

8i.I have used other illicit or licit drug use not listed above (including possession or manufacture)

How to join



How do I complete my Employee Suitability Questionnaire?

You will be required to complete your Employee Suitability Questionnaire as part of your application process, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the questionnaire when it is required.





The AFP’s culture is based on the core values of Fairness, Accountability, Commitment, Excellence, Integrity, Trust and Respect. The AFP’s Professional
Standards are derived from legislation; determined in the AFP Act and described in the AFP Commissioner’s Order on Professional Standards (CO2), which outlines the expectations of all AFP appointees both on and off duty. You will be assessed against the AFP Core Values as part of the selection process. For more information read the AFP Character Standards.

Integrity and Self Reporting

An AFP appointee’s associations can affect the public’s perception of the AFP’s integrity. Accordingly, the AFP seeks to manage the relevant risks by identifying such an association as a conflict of interest and requiring them to be declared. Some examples of declarable associations include any relationships (including direct
family members and friends) or activities involving:

  • Known criminals or people suspected to be engaged in criminal activity, including ‘social’ drug use
  • People closely affiliated with or related to known criminals Groups or organisations known or perceived to be involved in unlawful activity (e.g. outlaw motorcycle gang activities of any kind)
  • Membership of groups or organisations that might be perceived to be involved in unlawful activity by a reasonable person
  • Close associations with individuals, groups or organisations with what a reasonable person would consider to be extreme political,
  • Social or religious views, such as being willing to cause unlawful injury or damage in support of those views.

Workplace Drug Testing

The AFP is committed to safe working practices, which are free from the effects of alcohol and drugs. AFP appointees are often required to make reasoned, impartial and rapid decisions that affect, sometimes significantly and even irrevocably, the safety, rights and freedom of members of the community. Therefore, the community and government place considerable faith and trust in law enforcement, conditional at all times on officials exercising their authority and powers reasonably and rationally.

The AFP recognises the serious effects that illicit drugs, misuse of pharmaceutical products, performance enhancing drugs and alcohol abuse can have and the potential impact on community and government perceptions of the AFP if an AFP appointee is affected. It is important that AFP appointees maintain the highest standards of personal integrity and professionalism both on and off duty.

Given the AFP’s law enforcement role, there is zero tolerance for any AFP appointee who uses illicit drugs and / or is involved in the illegal drug trade on or off duty. AFP appointees must not be under the effects of alcohol while on duty and must exercise personal responsibility in the appropriate use of any pharmaceutical products.
This approach also recognises the fundamental duty of care the AFP owes to its appointees which includes providing a safe workplace - free from the risks associated with the misuse of drugs or alcohol.

As part of the employment suitability process the AFP will take into account the provisions of the Commonwealth Customs Act 1901 when determining whether a substance is defined as a narcotic. The AFP conducts mandatory drug testing both at the pre-employment and recruitment stage and on a regular basis for the duration of an appointee’s employment.

Information Collection, Retention, Access and Disposal

The information provided in this questionnaire is required for the purposes of your prospective employment with the AFP. All information provided will be:

  • Dealt with in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
  • Retained within MyCareer for access by AFP Professional Standards, the AFP Personnel Security Vetting Team, AFP Recruitment and the Delegate, and for other legislatively required purposes.

At no time will the information you provide be disclosed to a third party unless the AFP is obliged to disclose the information as a consequence of another authority’s legal requirements. Disposal of any / all information provided will be undertaken in accordance with the Archives Act 1983 (Cth).

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